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Hormone Replacement Therapy for Men


Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy Doctor

Are you suffering from anxiety or depression? Do you have more grumpy and irritable days than happy days? Does your low sex drive or erectile dysfunction affect your sex life? The male hormone therapy specialists at Envizion Medical can help! Male hormones include testosteronethyroid, DHEA, HGH and others. A decline in the production of these hormones is an unfortunate but natural consequence of getting older. Male hormone levels begin to steadily decline after the age of 25-30, and many men have at least some form of hormone deficiency by their mid 30s.

These hormonal imbalances in men, referred to as Andropause, a.k.a. “Male Menopause,” can cause significant, progressive symptoms in men including:

  • Decreased sex drive
  • Erectile Dysfunction
  • Weight gain
  • Muscle loss
  • Hair loss
  • Hot flashes
  • Reduced bone density
  • Irritability & anger
  • Fatigue

Bioidentical hormones (BHRT) for men restores your body to its normal hormone levels and can help you regain energy and stamina, reduce the risk of injuries and certain diseases and help you get back in the game .

Benefits of Natural Male Hormone Replacement Therapy:

  • More energy
  • Increased libido
  • Increased muscle mass & tone
  • Reduced body fat
  • Increased strength
  • Better focus & memory
  • Improved sleep
  • Eliminated hot flashes
  • Improved cholesterol
  • Reduced wrinkles
  • Tighter skin
  • And many more!

At Envizion Medical, our male hormone therapy experts take pride in providing safe, effective, and affordable male hormone treatment option. Each individual is different, so each HRT treatment plan is personalized and tailored to your specific needs.

We provide the following Male Hormone Replacement Therapy Services in Land O’Lakes and throughout Tampa Bay:

Whether you’re hoping to reverse erectile dysfunction, exercise without fatigue, or simply feel younger and stronger, male hormone replacement therapy can help to restore the “old” you. Take the first step on your journey to regaining your vitality today. For a free consultation with our Tampa Bay hormone therapy staff, call us at (813) 563-3806.

Symptoms of Low Testosterone

Benefits of Testosterone Therapy

Low Energy

Abundance of Energy

More Fat Stored around the Midsection

Leaner with Increased Muscle Mass

Decreased Libido

Enhanced Sexual Function


Eager and Optimum Mentality

Increased Risk of Heart Disease

Lowered chance of Cardiac Disease

Potential Erectile Dysfunction

Stronger and Long-lasting Erections

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